Rural Capitalists in Asia: A Comparative Analysis on India, Indonesia, and Malaysia (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies ; no. 88) : a comparative analysis on India, Indonesia and Malaysia

Bok av Mario Rutten
This is a comparative study of small capitalists and rural industrialists in three Asian countries. Studies on the entrepreneurial class in South Asia tend to focus on the structural aspects of entrepreneurial behaviour, while studies on this class in Southeast Asia tend to focus on cultural aspects of their behaviour. In fact, this book points to striking similarities between Indian, overseas Chinese and Muslim businessmen in Asia, similarities usually hidden under variations in analytical approaches. Although this study emphasizes similarities within Asia, it does not support the view of a specific Asian business pattern different to the rise of non-Asian, especially European, entrepreneurs. The findings are of major interest not just within the fields of anthropology and entrepreneurship, but to all scholars working on South or Southeast Asia, who will find much of interest in the author's observations of variable research results between the two regions.