Tractatus de Globis et Eorum Usu : a treatise descriptive of the globes constructed by Emery Molyneux and published in 1592

Bok av Clements R Markham
1889. The treatise of Robert Hues quickly became the standard reference for the discipline and use of globes, and its authority endured throughout the seventeenth century. Robert Hues, an English mathematician and geographer, had traveled extensively across the Atlantic and had also joined Cavendish's crew in his last voyage around the world. The Southern Hemisphere, Australia, and New Guinea were the objects of his most original observations and contributions. Hues's bent being eminently practical, his work gives an account of the most refined globes of his time, constructed by Emery Molyneux, and focuses in particular on the detail of their use in a maritime context. For the first time it became possible for the navigator to calculate the position of the sun, the latitude, distances, and time, simply by inspecting a globe on board.