Whisper in the Reeds : 'the terrible ones'

Bok av Taylor Justin Taylor
This amazing work relates the experiences of Justin Taylor who served as the Signals Officer for the South African Defence Force's infamous 32 Battalion - the 'Terrible Ones'! As a young officer he trained in the intricacies of Signalling before volunteering for Border Duty and service with 32 Battalion. This book takes you into the discipline of military communications as never before, delivering a new perspective on the work of 'Nine Charlie'; the Battalion Signals Officer with his mantra of 'check, check and recheck!' It illustrates how a unit's Signals Officer sits at the core of operations, allowing Command elements to co-ordinate war-fighting, whilst countering the never ending failures of equipment and communications. Little is known of 32 Battalion - a unit that drew its origins from the Angolan Civil War of 1975 - most of its troops were black Portuguese-speaking soldiers; the remnants of Holden Roberto's FNLA guerrilla army that had fought against the Portuguese colonials. Established by the legendary Colonel Breytenbach and barracked at 'Buffalo Base' in the Caprivi Strip, 32 Battalion was to develop a reputation for military prowess that was second to none. A Whisper in the Reeds takes you into the heart of this elite unit and its military capability. Taylor was placed to take part in one of 32 Battalion's most spectacular operations - the Battle of Savate. Here, the Battalion undertook an aggressive assault on an entrenched enemy brigade that was positioned deep in Angola. Thrown into the chaos of combat, Taylor experienced the intensity and horror of close quarter battle. His account of this historic battle is one of the most comprehensive ever and should be read by every student of military history. Tasked to train new signallers in the skill of military signalling, Taylor designed and delivered a training programme that earned him the respect of both his superiors and the students under training - a Chief of the SADF Commendation medal acknowledging his skill and professionalism. Justin Taylor was the consummate soldier, utterly professional and dedicated to the trade of military signalling. Read this work and learn why 'a whisper in the reeds' will always carry the story of 32 Battalion.