Trauma-Proofing Your Kids

Bok av Ph D Peter A Levine
While their first book was written primarily for professionals, in "Trauma-Proofing Your Kids", the authors zero in on assisting lay caregivers in the prevention and healing of trauma. It is written in accessible language for parents (whether biological, foster, or adoptive), grandparents, aunts and uncles, and daycare workers. In addition to preventing trauma, it is a practical guide for 'stress-busting'. Its emphasis is in promoting resilience for kids in our fast-changing world of mishaps, increasing pressures and turbulence. Most books that have been written about trauma address therapists or medical professionals leaving parents out in the cold. As helpful as these books may be, the authors are often limited in both their narrow understanding of the nature of trauma (attributing it only to devastating events such as violence and molestation), as well as ignoring prevention. Their emphasis is mostly on treating trauma particularly with drugs.This book, on the other hand, is about nipping trauma in the bud by offering preventative 'emotional first aid' at the earliest signs that a child may have been overwhelmed. In addition to being an eye-opener to the world of trauma, this book also 'breaks the mold' by addressing the core issue of trauma's affect on the body and what it takes to return the nervous system to a state of equilibrium and balance. It empowers parents to help their own kids convert stress into challenge. What is truly amazing is that this little book simplifies a complex subject that neuroscientists are grappling with so that mothers and fathers can apply this knowledge to foster resilient, compassionate and self-reliant children.