Lost Innocence

Bok av Cathy Brochu
Innocence is our innate birthright. It knows no cultural or religious boundaries, but it is a precious gift to treasure and honor. It holds the magic of our youth and provides wings to explore.When taken away without permission through incest, it leaves a heart that is an empty shell, untrusting, shamed, fearful and stripped of self-esteem. Lives are shattered, wounds become deep.There is hope. Recovery is possible. Hearts can be restored. Innocence can be reclaimed. Lives can be rich and fulfilling. I know, because I am a woman who lived the despair of a lineage of incest, and I came out the other side, happy, healthy and whole.My story is shared to present the possibility for others to come out of their silence and discover the beauty of being alive again. My hope is that the shroud of secrecy in our society around the issue of incest will be lifted, so we can begin a cultural healing that is long overdue.The book is written from my perspective as a child, in a childs language in order to capture the experience that was my reality at a young age. The book is also written with the hope that it will heighten individuals, families, and communities awareness to the prevalence of incest.The book is based on my life from the age of fifteen-months through sixteen years.Just as my life seemed to unfold in three stages, so will the telling of my story through a series of three books: Lost Innocence, New Beginnings and Beyond Survival. Lost Innocence is the first in my trilogy.