Self to Lose

Bok av Marilyn Vancil
Most people wonder: Who am I really and why am I here? What drives my thoughts and actions? Why do feelings like anger, fear, and shame keep surfacing? How can I make sense of myself and others? The insights in this book illuminate answers to these perplexing questions through a unique approach to the personality system known as the Enneagram, or "nine-drawing." The wisdom of this spiritual discernment tool has helped thousands for many generations and it can help you too. Marilyn Vancil guides the reader toward liberating self-awareness by detailing nine distinct personality types, each with particular gifts and challenges, all set within a biblical framework. By learning about your type, you will: . Embrace the truth about your God-given identity. . Uncover your deeper motivations, longings, and ways of suffering. . Discern between the self to lose and the self Jesus invites you to find. . Enhance your relationships by appreciating others more. . Own-up to what keeps you from possessing the abundant life Jesus offers.