The mind map book : unlock your creativity, boost your memory, change your life

Bok av Tony Buzan
The Mind Map is the most effective thinking tool of our time. It will dramatically improve your intelligence, creativity, communication, concentration and memory every aspect of your performance. It is the key to unlocking your power and potential.   Invented by Tony Buzan, the worlds leading authority on the brain and learning, the Mind Map is a groundbreaking technique that has taken the business and educational worlds by storm.  Used by hundreds of millions of people, it harnesses the full range of your cortical skills word, image, number, logic, rhythm, colour, spatial awareness so you can roam the infinite expanses of your brain.   Applied to any challenge or goal, Mind Maps will help you to:   Think clearly, creatively and originally Solve problems and make confident decisions Plan, persuade and negotiate Remember anything you want Manage and take control of your life   There are no limits to the number of thoughts, ideas and connections that your brain can make read The Mind Map Book to let the journey begin!   'Tony Buzan deserves a medal for coming up with the sanity-saving concept of Mind Maps, which make difficult mental tasks possible, even pleasurable ....     Time Out