Laurence Juber Plays Lennon & McCartney

Bok av The Beatles och Laurence Juber
Here are 15 transcriptions matching the SolidAir Records CD LJ Plays the Beatles, Vol. 2. Laurence Juber, Wings lead guitarist and two-time Grammy-winning fingerstylist, arranged the songs for solo guitar in standard and altered tunings, extensively fingered in notation and tablature. Includes: All I've Got to Do * Blackbird * Dear Prudence * Drive My Car * Eleanor Rigby * Here, There and Everywhere * I Am the Walrus * I Feel Fine * The Long and Winding Road * Michelle * No Reply * Penny Lane * Please Please Me * When I'm Sixty-Four * and You Can't Do That. Features a special one-hour masterclass with Juber on the accompanying CD!