The Volunteer: The True Story of the Resistance Hero Who Infiltrated Auschwitz

The volunteer
Bok av Jack Fairweather
COSTA BOOK AWARD WINNER: BOOK OF THE YEAR ? #1 SUNDAY TIMES (UK) BESTSELLER "Superbly written and breathtakingly researched, The Volunteer smuggles us into Auschwitz and shows us?as if watching a movie?the story of a Polish agent who infiltrated the infamous camp, organized a rebellion, and then snuck back out. ... Fairweather has dug up a story of incalculable value and delivered it to us in the most compelling prose I have read in a long time.? ?Sebastian Junger, author of The Perfect Storm and Tribe The incredible true story of a Polish resistance fighter's infiltration of Auschwitz to sabotage the camp from within, and his death-defying attempt to warn the Allies about the Nazis' plans for a "Final Solution? before it was too late. To uncover the fate of the thousands being interred at a mysterious Nazi camp on the border of the Reich, a thirty-nine-year-old Polish resistance fighter named Witold Pilecki volunteered for an audacious mission: assume a fake identity, intentionally get captured and sent to the new camp, and then report back to the underground on what had happened to his compatriots there. But gathering information was not his only task: he was to execute an attack from inside?where the Germans would least expect it. The name of the camp was Auschwitz. Over the next two and half years, Pilecki forged an underground army within Auschwitz that sabotaged facilities, assassinated Nazi informants and officers, and gathered evidence of terrifying abuse and mass murder. But as he pieced together the horrifying truth that the camp was to become the epicenter of Nazi plans to exterminate Europe's Jews, Pilecki realized he would have to risk his men, his life, and his family to warn the West before all was lost. To do so, meant attempting the impossible?an escape from Auschwitz itself. Completely erased from the historical record by Poland's post-war Communist government, Pilecki remains almost unknown to the world. Now, with exclusive access to previously hidden diaries, family and camp survivor accounts, and recently declassified files, Jack Fairweather offers an unflinching portrayal of survival, revenge and betrayal in mankind's darkest hour. And in uncovering the tragic outcome of Pilecki's mission, he reveals that its ultimate defeat originated not in Auschwitz or Berlin, but in London and Washington.
Jack Fairweather tecknar ett grundligt porträtt av den polske motståndsmannen Witold Pilecki som infiltrerade Auschwitz för att berätta för världen om vad som skedde innanför lägrets murar. Det är, som ofta i detta ämne, skakande och spännande läsning, men aldrig på ett osmakligt eller exploaterande sätt. Witold och hans medhjälpare är respektfullt porträtterade och de berättar alla en mycket viktig bit historia.
En omtumlande bok om Vitold Pilecki som frivilligt gick in i Auschwitz för att kunna rapportera om vad som hände i lägret.

En bok som är jobbigt mentalt att läsa men värt det.Här får man uppleva allt som hände,vedervärdiga fasor men också hoppet i kamratskapet som blev.De såg efter varandra i de mest hopplösa ögonblick.

Vitold sände via motståndsrörelsen rapporter om vad som skedde,tyvärr ansågs hans rapporter som något omöjligt ,att sådant inte kunde ske!

De allierade mot Tyskland svek dom ,Vitold flydde från Auschwitz efter att ha hjälpt ett antal människor att fly.Han byggde upp en motståndsrörelse i lägret. Det ledde till ett brödraskap som tog hand om varandra där ondska och hopplöshet var vardag.

Väl värd att läsa!