Autobiography : Or The Story of My Experiments With Truth

Bok av Hermann Hesse
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Western India in 1869. He was educated in London and later travelled to South Africa, where he experienced racism and took up the rights of Indians, instituting his first campaign of passive resistance. In 1915 he returned to British-controlled India, bringing to a country in the throes of independence his commitment to non-violent change, and his belief always in the power of truth. Under Gandhi s lead, millions of protesters would engage in mass campaigns of civil disobedience, seeking change through ahimsa, or non-violence. For Gandhi, the long path towards Indian independence would lead to imprisonment and hardship, yet he never once forgot the principles of truth and non-violence so dear to him. Written in the 1920s, Gandhi s autobiography tells of his struggles and his inspirations; a powerful and enduring statement of an extraordinary life.
Detta är en bok som jag tycker alla borde läsa. Den handlar kortfattad om en indisk snubbe som går igenom flera olika faser av sitt liv, medan han beger sig på en resa för att hitta ett inre lugn och upplysning.

Hesse skriver på ett sätt som är på något konstigt sätt väldigt attraktivt.

Den är också tillräckligt kort för att vem som helst ska kunna läsa den.