
The Awakening
Bok av Kate Chopin
A searing novel of social realism, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle follows the fortunes of Jurgis Rudkus, an immigrant who finds in the stockyards of turn-of-the-century Chicago a ruthless system that degrades and impoverishes him, and an industry whose filthy practices contaminate the meat it processes. From the stench of the killing-beds to the horrors of the fertilizer-works, the appalling conditions in which Jurgis works are described in intense detail by anauthor bent on social reform. So powerful was the book's message that it caught the eye of President Theodore Roosevelt and led to changes to the food hygiene laws. In his Introduction to this new edition, Russ Castronovo highlights the aesthetic concerns that were central to Sinclair's aspirations,examining the relationship between history and historical fiction, and between the documentary impulse and literary narrative. As he examines the book's disputed status as novel (it is propaganda or literature?), he reveals why Sinclair's message-driven fiction has relevance to literary and historical matters today, now more than a hundred years after the novel first appeared in print.
En underbart vacker och poetisk bok om en kvinnas dröm att slå sig fri från samhällets inhängnad. Utspelas under sekelskiftet 18-1900 i de sk franska kvarteren i New Orleans. En kvinnas plats var i hemmet men Edna drömmer om något större, något mer, men det kan komma till ett stort pris.

Jag har läst många böcker men skulle jag välja en favorit så är det denna, tänker på den ofta. Språket och sättet att bära historian framåt är enastående och poetiskt, den kommer att stanna med dig länge. En juvel som många missat.

Nyckelord: Kvinnohistoria, New Orleans, sekelskifte, familj, kärlek, feminism och könsroller.