Last Witnesses : Unchildlike Stories

The Last Witnesses
Bok av Svetlana Aleksijevitj
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Last Witnesses by Svetlana Alexievich, read by Julia Emelin, Yelena Shmulenson and Allen Lewis Rickman. What did it mean to grow up in the Soviet Union during the Second World War? In the late 1970s, Svetlana Alexievich started interviewing people who had experienced war as children, the generation that survived and had to live with the trauma that would forever change the course of the Russian nation. With remarkable care and empathy, Alexievich gives voice to those whose stories are lost in the official narratives, uncovering a powerful, hidden history of one of the most important events of the twentieth century. Published to great acclaim in the Soviet Union in 1985 and now available in English for the first time, this masterpiece offers a kaleidoscopic portrait of the human consequences of the war - and an extraordinary chronicle of the Russian soul.
100 berättelser från 100 personer som var barn under andra världskriget. En mycket mycket ledsam och tragisk bok. Man ska vara glad för tiden man lever i, med tanke på den enorma lidelse vad ett krig innebär för alla inblandade. Det här en bok som stannar kvar länge efter att man läst den.