The Dog

Bok av Kerstin Ekman
In the heart of the tranquil countryside, a young puppy leaves his home to eagerly follow his mother and master. But away from the safe haven of the farm, the puppy soon becomes lost and is left to struggle for survival in the wild. Suddenly, he must find food and a safe place to sleep, and outwit his competitor, the fox. The puppy becomes wild himself, trusting no human and furiously fighting the hunting dogs that enter his domain. But one man is intrigued by the now-unruly dog and very slowly begins to gain his trust. Each day he visits the dog, bringing food and awakening memories of his distant domestic past. The lost relationship between man and dog is rebuilt in this sensitive and intelligent story about the true nature of trust and friendship.
Jag läste denne som en svensk lättläst version. Väldigt snabb läsning eftersom den version jag hade som sagt var en LL bok, inget fel i det men gav den vidare till loppis för att glädja någon som kan behöva LL böcker istället för att stå i mina hyllor.
Jag tyckte det var väldigt intressant att få läsa ur en hunds perspektiv på detta sättet och tycker det var en bra upplevelse.