Inspector Rebus, #17

Exit Music

Exit Music
Bok av Ian Rankin
A brilliant Rebus novel from the master of British crime. It's late autumn in Edinburgh and late autumn in the career of Detective Inspector Rebus. As he tries to tie up some loose ends before retirement, a murder case intrudes. A dissident Russian poet has been found dead in what looks like a mugging gone wrong. By apparent coincidence, a delegation of Russian businessmen is in town - and everyone is determined that the case should be closed quickly and clinically. But the further they dig, the more Rebus and DS Siobhan Clarke become convinced that they are dealing with something more than a random attack - especially after a particularly nasty second killing. Meanwhile, a brutal and premeditated assault on a local gangster sees Rebus in the frame. Has the Inspector taken a step too far in tying up those loose ends? Only a few days shy of the end to his long, inglorious career, will Rebus even make it that far?
Sista veckan har kommit innan Rebus ska gå i pension. Då blir en rysk poet hittad och detta hamnar på Rebus bord. Sin vana trogen arbetar Rebus på ett sätt som retar hans överordnade och de sista dagarna innan pensionen blir han suspenderad. Detta gör inte att han slutar utreda

Som vanligt gör utredningen och tankarna hos kriminalkommissarien och hans medarbetare Siobhan att det är omöjligt att räkna ut lösningen. Det är många skildringar av Edingburghs gator och byggnader som gör att man lär sig staden.