Handbook of the American Frontier, The Northeastern Woodlands : Four Centuries of Indian-White Relationships

Bok av J. Norman Heard
New in Paperback! The relationship between North American Indians and Europeans, friendly at first, took a violent turn with the kidnapping of natives by mariners, and conflict flared as the frontier line moved northward from Mexico and westward from the Atlantic coast settlements. This handbook is intended to help fill the need for works of first reference that provide insights into both sides of Indian-white relations, guiding the reader to reliable sources. Heard presents brief articles in dictionary arrangement about Indian tribes and leaders, explorers, missionaries, traders, settlers, soldiers, battles, treaties, and other topics in the frontier history of the present U.S. from the arrival of the first seafarers to the end of the Indian wars. This volume is devoted to the Northeastern Woodlands. Cloth edition [0-8108-2324-1] published in 1990. Paperback version available July 2002.