Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk : The Appearance of Color in the Atmosphere and Goethe's Theory of Colors

Bok av Johannes Kuhl
This book explores the captivating colors that appear in the atmosphere of the earth: coronas, glories, halos, rainbows, dawn and dusk. Using the holistic observational method developed by Goethe in his Theory of Color, this book offers the reader a new way of relating to atmospheric colours. In its attempt to bridge the wide span between the physics of atmospheric colours and a spiritual approach to them, the path of unfolding descriptions and thoughts becomes artistic in itself. Extraordinary photographs and references to modern literature and websites round out the work. The book should prove helpful to scientists looking for a different approach to optics or an introduction to Goethe's phenomenological science, to teachers seeking a new approach to optics lessons, and to anyone who loves these colours and wishes to deepen their relationship to them.