Brookhaven Connection

Bok av Wade Gordon
In the wake of World War II and amidst a flurry of reported UFOs, the National Security Act was invoked in 1947 setting forth a policy of secrecy which has immersed the US government ever since in a labyrinth of security and intrigue. No facility has remained as cloaked in this mystery as Brookhaven National Laboratory, the premier nuclear research facility in the world. Located on Long Island near the old Nazi compound at Yaphank, Brookhaven was selected for clandestine research known as the Phoenix Project which merged the investigation from the UFO crash at Roswell with that of the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 in order to probe the unified field theory and secure practical applications of time travel. This is the real life story of Wade Gordon who as a young boy was tutored by the head of the Phoenix Project and introduced to a mysterious group known as 'Majestic-12', an above Top Secret faction of the government said to stand on the threshold of humanity's evolution.