Our Kind of Traitor : A Novel

Our kind of traitor
Bok av John le Carré
From the New York Times bestselling author of A Legacy of Spies. John le Carré?s new novel, Agent Running in the Field, is coming October 2019. In this exquisitely told novel, John le Carré shows us once again his acute understanding of the world we live in and where power really lies.   In the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and with Britain on the brink of economic ruin, a young English couple takes a vacation in Antigua. There they meet Dima, a Russian who styles himself the world?s Number One money-launderer and who wants, among other things, a game of tennis. Back in London, the couple is subjected to an interrogation by the British Secret service who also need their help. Their acquiescence will lead them on a precarious journey through Paris to a safe house in Switzerland, helpless pawns in a game of nations that reveals the unholy alliances between the Russian mafia, the City of London, the government and the competing factions of the British Secret Service.
Kassör i ryska maffian som vill hoppa av till England och stoppa maffians uppköp av engelska banker för att göra svarta pengar vita med hjälp av mutade engelska politiker. Mycket tät och spännande bok med många överraskningar och skrivet av spion mästaren John Le Carre. Tycker själv att denna bok tillhör topp 3 av hans spionromaner och denna är ovanligt lättsam trots invecklade intriger. Det som mest präglar boken är VÄNSKAP och handlingen bygger mest på detta.