Rogue Lawyer

Rogue Lawyer
Bok av John Grisham
On the right side of the lawsort ofSebastian Rudd is not your typical street lawyer. His office is a customized bulletproof van, complete with Wi-Fi, a bar, a small fridge, and fine leather chairs. He has no firm, no partners, and only one employee: his heavily armed driver, who also so happens to be his bodyguard, law clerk, confidant, and golf caddie. Sebastian drinks small-batch bourbon and carries a gun. He defends people other lawyers wont go near: a drug-addled, tattooed kid rumored to be in a satanic cult; a vicious crime lord on death row; a homeowner arrested for shooting at a SWAT team that mistakenly invaded his house. Why these clients? Because Sebastian believes everyone is entitled to a fair trialeven if he has to bend the law to secure one.
En spännande Grisham bok som tar upp ett rätt så spännande yrket brottsmåls advokat. Boken är helt klart läsvärd, men blir lite besviken när jag jämför med andra böcker jag läst av författaren. Tror det är för att jag saknar den röda tråden. då det känns lite som man tryck in flera små historier i en.