Introduction to Brain and Behavior

Bok av Bryan Kolb
Written by two masterful researchers and educators, Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology was the first textbook to introduce students to the scientific exploration of human behaviour from a neuroscientist's perspective. With this updated edition, Bryan Kolb and Ian Whishaw again take students to the very forefront of one of the most eventful and impactful areas of scientific inquiry today, making an extraordinary amount of recent research and the real-world impact of those discoveries fascinating and accessible.The book can also be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, LaunchPad, which offers innovative media content, curated and organised for easy assignability. LaunchPad's intuitive interface presents quizzing, flashcards, animations and much more to make learning actively engaging.
Väldigt bra bok som kopplar beteende och hjärnan tillsammans. Man får en grundlig samt djupgående förklaring på hur nervsystemet fungerar samt hur detta kan kopplas till vårt beteende. Utmärkt att använda vid studie av biologisk psykologi