The Turning Point : Rebuilding Your Relationship with God

Bok av Angela R. Camon
Have you drift off course in relationship with God? Have you been enticed by Satan's schemes and fallen back into a lifestyle of sin? Do you have a longing in your heart to have close intimate fellowship with God once again? Maybe you are not the one who has turned away from God, but perhaps you know someone who was once in a loving relationship with God, devoted to living life for him, but now have turned their back on God. If you have found yourself in either of these scenarios, then The Turning Point Rebuilding Your Relationship With God is the book for you. The Turning Point- Rebuilding Your Relationship with God addresses some of the enticing schemes that Satan uses to cause believers to become disloyal to God and commit spiritual adultery. It expounds on the dangers of drifting off course and the devastating effects that it can have on one's life. Using biblical examples, it demonstrates the point that even the most devoted Christian can stray away if he or she falls prey to the temptations orchestrated by Satan. It also provides a strategic plan on how a Christian can remain anchored and techniques that they can use to prevent them from falling back into a lifestyle of sin. The Turning Point gives those who may have backslidden, a step by step approach to reaching a turning point and the guidance needed in rebuilding their relationship with God. Finally, this book stresses the role and responsibility that each Christian plays in helping an erring brother or sister return to God.