Yoga Wave [With 32 Page Study Guide]

Bok av Shiva Rea
Just as every cycle of nature is expressed as a wave form, every movement and posture in Shiva Rea's yoga is a flowing wave that unlocks the health, vitality, and creativity of your body. On Yoga Wave, this world-renowned instructor invites you to turn your yoga practice into a communion with the fundamental cyclical principle that nourishes the evolution of all life. Shiva Rea uses an approach she calls "wave sequencing" to help you create your own comprehensive experience of fluid yoga. Taking you beyond yoga focused solely on individual poses, Shiva's approach on Yoga Wave is to guide you gracefully and naturally through a series of postures and asanas that become a single transformative flow. With progressions that combine the meditative (lunar) practices with the physical (solar) practices, she gives you all the tools you need to build and expand your home practice to enhance your vitality, fluidity, and creative energy.