Moby-Dick (Barnes &; Noble Classics Series)

Bok av Herman Melville
On a previous voyage, Captain Ahab lost his leg to Moby Dick, a monstrous white whale. Now, bent on vengeance against the whale, Ahab leads the crew of the Pequod on a pursuit that features constant adventure and horrendous mishaps. On its surface, Moby-Dick is a vivid documentary of life aboard a nineteenth-century whaler, a virtual encyclopedia of whales and whaling. But as the quest for the whale becomes increasingly perilous, the tale works on allegorical levels, likening the whale to human greed, moral consequence, good, evil, and life itself. Moby-Dick was publicly derided during its author s lifetime, yet Melville s great American novel has survived to become a classic of epic proportions. Carl F. Hovde taught at Columbia University for thirty-five years. An editor for the Princeton University Press edition of Henry David Thoreau, he has also written about Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry James, and William Faulkner. Includes an extensive Dictionary of Sea Terms (37 pages).
Klassisk bok om en sjökapten som drabbas av en stor vit val och mister sitt normala liv av sorg och vrede och blir besatt av att jaga och döda valen. spännande dramatisk och överraskande bok som låter typisk manlig men som med all säkerhet kan avnjutas som ett alternativ till en deckare av kvinnor. En sträckläsare och bladvändare man inte skastressa igenom utan njuta av under flera tillfällen för att inte missa njutningen av ord språk och poesin.