Roxanne and Ruby the Rug

Bok av Sherry Cutrer
Roxanne and Ruby the Rug begins their journey in Istanbul, Turkey at the Hagia Sophia, but the journey does not end there as Roxanne learns the value of new places and letting go of the familiar. Roxanne Adrianna Wafflestone is about to be 8 years old. She lives a very scheduled and predictable life. Her mother, Dr. Rosy Wafflestone, is a historian and world traveler. Dr. Wafflestone has an opportunity in the first five stories to travel around the Mediterranean with her husband and daughter, Roxanne. Roxanne resists change of any sort, so this adventure introduces her to all types of characters that help her accept that which she cannot control. She learns how magical life can be, if we embrace new experiences, and let go of fear.