The English Patient

The English patient
Bok av Michael Ondaatje
Hana, a Canadian nurse, exhausted by death, and grieving for her own dead father; the maimed thief-turned-Allied-agent, Caravaggio; Kip, the emotionally detached Indian sapper - each is haunted in different ways by the man they know only as the English patient, a nameless burn victim who lies in an upstairs room. His extraordinary knowledge and morphine-induced memories - of the North African desert, of explorers and tribes, of history and cartography; and also of forbidden love, suffering and betrayal - illuminate the story, and leave all the characters for ever changed.
Bra skrivit men jag kände lite som att jag missade någonting. Säkert en superbra bok för någon som fattar vad händer men det var för 'subtle' för mig.