Body Language : The Best Body Language Techniques To Skyrocket Confidence For Business, Dating, And Life

Bok av Ramit Gupta
Learn how to naturally emit confidence everywhere you go! Grab this amazing handbook of confident body language techniques today! For those of us with confidence issues, we're bombarded everyday with courses and books on sketchy tactics, secret tricks, and goofy strategies to boost our confidence. They range in ridiculousness from "just think positive!" to "imagine you're already there!" to "touch her here and she'll go wild!". These tactics are nice, and they are necessary to an extent, but for most of us just getting started with body language basics, they don't cut to the source of the problem - the body.  It's no secret, anyone of us can spot someone with little confidence or skyrocketed confidence from a mile away.  We can't always explain it, but for people who feel confident, there's just "something about them" that the rest of us see, whether their body language is intentional or not.   I've broken down the most confident body language for you into a simple how-to guide so you can engineer your own self-confidence from source (the body) and ultimately let the confidence flow over and run straight into your mind. In this book I will teach you how to emit confidence in every area of social interactions, from how you talk, to how you listen, and even to how to dress.  My goal in writing this was to give you an awesome go-to guide for a series of techniques that you can use to develop life-long habits for not only skyrocketing your confidence, but keeping it at supernova levels as well.  In any area of life, I expect that you will be able to use these proven techniques for shifting any social interaction in your favor. Make reading body language a habit, and you will never feel powerless again. Here Is A Sneak Peek Of What I'll Teach You... My 3-Step Process For Mastering New Body Language The 6 Most Common Ways You're Giving Off "Body Language Bad Vibes" The 5 Best Body Language Tricks For The Business World Spotting The Gender Differences In Body Language The 6 Pointers for Men To Rock The First Date The 5 Subtle Nods For Women To Let Know You're Into Him Much, much more! So what are you waiting for?  Purchase your copy today and become who you always wanted to be!