Anne på Grönkulla, #6

Anne of Ingleside: a children's novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery published in July 1939 and the tenth of eleven books that f : a children's novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery p

Anne of Ingleside
Bok av Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of InglesideLucy Maud Montgomery. Anne of Ingleside is a children's novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. It was first published in July 1939 by McClelland and Stewart (Toronto) and the Frederick A. Stokes Company (New York). It is the tenth of eleven books that feature the character of Anne Shirley, and Montgomery's final published novel. (Two novels that occur later in the Anne chronology were actually published years earlier. As well, the short story collection The Blythes Are Quoted, written in 1941/42, but not published until 2009, concludes the Anne chronology. Seven years after Anne's House of Dreams, Anne visits Diana Wright and her daughter, Anne Cordelia, in Avonlea following the funeral of Gilbert's father. When she returns home to the old Morgan house, now named "Ingleside", she is greeted by her five children: James Matthew ('Jem'), the eldest, now aged seven Walter Cuthbert, who is about six and often thought to be a bit of a 'sissy' because of his love for poetry twins Anne ('Nan') and Diana ('Di'), who are five and look nothing alike, Nan with brown hair and hazel eyes, and Di with red hair and green eyes and finally Shirley, two years old and Susan Baker's favourite, as she took care of him as an infant while Anne was very sick following his birth.The book includes the dreadful, seemingly eternal visit of Gilbert's disagreeable, oversensitive aunt Mary Maria Blythe, whose visit was only supposed to last two weeks but stretches on for months and who only leaves when Anne unintentionally offends her by arranging a surprise birthday party, much to the relief of the family.During the novel, which spans a period of about four years, Anne and Gilbert's youngest child is born and is named Bertha Marilla Blythe. She is also called Roly-Poly, or, generally, 'Rilla'. The novel includes a series of adventures which spotlight one of Anne's children at a time as they engage in the misunderstandings and mishaps of youth. In many of the adventures, the honest Ingleside children are taken in by children who tell lies in order to seem more interesting: Nan is deceived by a lying schoolchild into thinking that she was actually switched at birth Walter is convinced by a school chum that his mother is dying and Di gets two stories, in both of which she makes friends with schoolgirls who deceive her. In other stories, oldest child Jem deals with the loss of a pet, and youngest child Rilla somehow gets the idea that it is shameful to be seen carrying a cake, and goes to great lengths to avoid doing so. The Blythes' third son Shirley is present in the book, but oddly gets no solo "spotlight" story of his own, which is also the case in Rainbow Valley, the next volume in the series.
Detta är den 6 boken i serien Anne på Grönkulla, skriven av Lucy Maud Montgomerys.

Återigen få vi följa den härliga rödhåriga, drivna, livliga tjejen Anne, hennes fem barn och make Gilbert. Det händer mycket i hemmet på Ingelside, moster Maria kommer på besök men dem kommer inte riktigt överens och har helt olika syn på hur ett hem ska styras. Gilbert får en inbjudan från sin förra kärlek och vill genas tacka ja. Anne blir orolig och undrar om Gilbert inte älskar henne längre. Har han glömt bort deras bröllopsdag? Vad kommer hända, är allt som det verkligen ser ut? Våran Anne har återigen mycket att fundera över.

Den här boken använder fortfarande ett fantastiskt språk som jag älskar, men det är för lite Anne och för mycket fokus på dem runt omkring.