Die Akzessorietat Der Polnischen Hypothek: Eine Untersuchung Zur Verwendbarkeit Der Hypothek in Der Kreditpraxis VOR Dem Hintergrund Ihres Akzessorisc : Eine Untersuchung zur Verwendbarkeit der Hypoth

Bok av Maximilian Zembala
The book covers the main legislative changes arising from the amendment to Polish mortgage law which came into effect as of 20 February 2011. Following this change in law, provisions are now included in the Polish legal system to allow the collateralisation of various claims, substitution of secured claims, amendment of secured claims, appointment of a mortgage administrator, appointment of a bond mortgage administrator, assignment of secured claims, reduction of secured claims and the entitlement to dispose of the discharged mortgage rank. Against this background the author analyses, amongst other things, collateralisation of framework agreements, floating interest rates, revolving facilities, prolongations, increases of facilities, syndicated financings, bonds, refinancings and intercreditor agreements.