Pickwick Papers

The Pickwick Papers
Bok av Charles Dickens
Written for publication as a serial, "e;The Pickwick Papers"e; is a sequence of loosely-related adventures. The action is given as occurring 1827-28. The novel's main character, Samuel Pickwick, Esquire, is a kind and wealthy old gentleman, and the founder and perpetual president of the Pickwick Club. To extend his researches into the quaint and curious phenomena of life, he suggests that he and three other "e;Pickwickians"e; (Mr Nathaniel Winkle, Mr Augustus Snodgrass, and Mr Tracy Tupman) should make journeys to remote places from London and report on their findings to the other members of the club. Their travels throughout the eng countryside by coach provide the chief theme of the novel. A distinctive and valuable feature of the work is the generally accurate descriptions of the old coaching inns of England... (Excerpt from Wikipedia)
Charles Dickens tillhör våra klassiker och bör läsas. Vill man läsa något av honom så kan jag rekommendera Pickwickklubben. Vi följer Mr Pickwick med resesällskap runt om i England och de hamnar i många lustiga och olustiga situationer. Man ler ofta och ibland ett skratt. Boken är skriven med en gammaldags stil, i alla fall den jag läste, så många ord kanske kan vara svåra att förstå men boken är ändå starkt läsvärd.