Leading Digital Transformation

Leading Digital Transformation
Bok av Marie Andervin och Joakim Jansson
Now in English! A #1 bestselling management book in Sweden, a digital epicenter, home of Spotify Skype and Candy Crush!Foreword by Brian Solis and interview with Dr. John KotterStep-by-step methodologyDigital tools and more content at www.digitaltransformation.netIn cooperation with researchers and businessesEight case studies from different industries  Digital transformation is a hot topic of discussion in many board and management rooms. The understanding of digitalization"s impact on corporate competitiveness is growing and more leaders understand they need to do something but the question is what, how, and when? For three years, authors Joakim Jansson and Marie Andervin, together with approximately 40 co-creators from research and industry, have worked with this question. This has resulted in the methodology Digital Maturity Matrix that helps owners, boards of directors, CEOs, and management teams take command in their company"s transformation. This book explains digital transformation and describes the methodology in detail. Its starting point is that successful digitalization requires innovation, strong change leadership, and digital maturity. You are led through the three phases of the transformation process, given the tools required to lead a successful transformation, and given recommendations on what should be done and when. Theory is provided along with examples from successful traditional companies. In addition, access is provided* to a digital knowledge bank with inspiring use cases, exercises, and a digital maturity test. The test provides you with insight into your company"s digital maturity and gives recommendations for your best course of action. In short - everything you need for your business to be at least as successful tomorrow as it is today.
Att leda digital transformation av Marie Andervin.
Jag har gått en utbildning som Marie Andervin hållit under hösten via mitt jobb på biblioteket. I den utbildningen ingick att läsa den här boken om digital transformation.
Inte direkt en bok jag annars skulle ha valt att läsa. Lärde mig en del om hur vi ska tänka för att våga följa den digitala vågen. Läskigt när jag själv inte är helt säker på vad jag gör 😅
En bra utbildning där boken passade bra!
Utgiven 2016