How I spend my days and my nights

How I spend my days and my nights
Bok av Håkan Nesser
Two strangers meet in a bar one rainy November night. Their conversation is the starting point for an intricate tale full of lies, doubt--and plans for a murder. How I Spend My Days and My Nights is a thrilling short story by the Swedish crime author Håkan Nesser, well-known from his Van Veeteren crime series. Alright. He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses. So Marlene, thats what she calls herself these days? I didnt respond. Unease was crawling down my spine. When I knew her, her name was Clara. Clara Maxwell. She never mentioned that? Involuntarily I shook my head. I met her for the first time more than fifteen years ago. In London. She was a redhead back then. Five seconds, I said. You have five seconds. What the hell are you trying to say?