Heart-Shaped Box : A Novel

Heart-shaped box
Bok av Joe Hill
Judas Coyne is a collector of the macabre: a cookbook for cannibals . . . a used hangman's noose . . . a snuff film. An aging death-metal rock god, his taste for the unnatural is as widely known to his legions of fans as the notorious excesses of his youth. But nothing he possesses is as unlikely or as dreadful as his latest discovery, an item for sale on the Internet, a thing so terribly strange, Jude can't help but reach for his wallet.I will "e;sell"e; my stepfather's ghost to the highest bidder. . . .For a thousand dollars, Jude will become the proud owner of a dead man's suit, said to be haunted by a restless spirit. He isn't afraid. He has spent a lifetime coping with ghostsof an abusive father, of the lovers he callously abandoned, of the bandmates he betrayed. What's one more?But what UPS delivers to his door in a black heart-shaped box is no imaginary or metaphorical ghost, no benign conversation piece. It's the real thing.And suddenly the suit's previous owner is everywhere: behind the bedroom door . . . seated in Jude's restored vintage Mustang . . . standing outside his window . . . staring out from his widescreen TV. Waitingwith a gleaming razor blade on a chain dangling from one bony hand. . . .A multiple-award winner for his short fiction, author Joe Hill immediately vaults into the top echelon of dark fantasists with a blood-chilling roller-coaster ride of a novel, a masterwork brimming with relentless thrills and acid terror.
I mina ögon var Joe Hills roman "En hjärtformad ask" inte särskilt läskig. Men Judes kamp mot vålnaden hade viss spänning, även om jag hade lite svårt för den övernaturliga biten.

Joe Hill skriver bra. Jude var ingen särskilt empatisk eller trevlig person (i alla fall inte till en början), men ändå ställde jag mig på hans sida, så att säga. Det kan bero på att fastän Jude var lite av en mansgris, hade han sina ljusa sidor. Troligtvis var det dessa jag fäste mig vid och som fick mig att ha överseende med hans mindre trevliga sidor.

"En hjärtformad ask" påminde om Joe Hills pappas berättelser (det vill säga Stephen Kings) och i likhet med sin pappa, låter Joe Hill djur fara illa. Den biten hade han gärna fått hoppa över.

Jag kan tänka mig att läsa mer av Joe Hill.