The Night Before Christmas

The night before Christmas
Bok av Clement Clarke Moore
We have more than fifty versions of this wonderful poem in our library; this is one of our favorites. Margaret Evans Price has a gentle talent. The Santa Claus on the cover, and throughout, is one of the kindest, least threatening Santas ever imagined. Notice how his knees are slightly bent by the weight of his pack. See his big and prominent boots. This is a Santa who is appealingly earth bound. This is a facsimile of the 1917 edition. We have die-cut it, as in the original, and the rounded top makes it especially appealing. This is an ideal first Night Before Christmas for a young child.
En mysig berättelse om tomten och hans renars arbete på julnatten Älskar när boken är skriven på rim!

I den här boken får vi träffa en familj vars pappa plötsligt hör ett konstigt ljud natten innan julafton. Han smyger ner till undervåningen och upptäcker att de har fått finbesök…

Den här boken innehåller fina och häftiga illustrationer!