Figures d'Europe Images and Myths of Europe

Bok av Luisa Passerini
In this publication, scholars from various disciplines and from a dozen countries of Europe and other continents intend to make explicit what has remained implicit in the creation or adoption of symbols and myths for a Europe that is under construction. The book is devoted to assessing the supposed « symbolic deficit of the European Union and of Europe as a whole. It analyses the history and meanings of some of the myths and symbols for Europe today, such as the myth of Europa and the bull, but also the European hymn and flag, and the representations of the continent. It also explores the meanings which have been attributed to the Euro by both experts and ordinary people; the new coin reminds us of the problematic nature of possible future senses of belonging to Europe, which will require exchanges between different peoples and cultures in order to give rise to an open and multicultural form of identity. Dans ce livre, des specialistes de disciplines diverses et de pays et de continents differents analysent ce qui est demeure implicite dans la creation et l'adoption de symboles et de mythes d'une Europe toujours en construction. La publication tend a evaluer le « deficit symbolique presume de I'Union europeenne et de l'Europe et explore l'histoire et la signification de certains mythes et symboles de l'Europe d'aujourd'hui, comme le mythe de l'enlevement d'Europe, l'hymne et le drapeau europeens, la representation du continent, de meme que le sens que les experts ou les Europeens attribuent a l'euro. La nouvelle monnaie illustre la problematique du futur sentiment d'appartenance a l'Europe, qui necessitera une multiplication des echanges entre ses peuples et ses culturespour donner lieu a une forme d'identite libre et multiculturelle.