Daniel silva thriller 2

The new girl
Bok av Daniel Silva
At an exclusive private school in Switzerland, mystery surrounds the identity of the beautiful girl who arrives each morning and leaves each afternoon in a heavily protected motorcade fit for a head of state. She is said to be the daughter of a wealthy international businessman. She is not. And when she is brutally kidnapped across the border in the Haute-Savoie region of France, Gabriel Allon, the legendary chief of Israeli intelligence, is thrust into a deadly secret war with an old enemy that will determine the future of the Middle East-and perhaps the world . . .
Oj vad spännande den här boken är! Oförutsägbar och med en snygg tvist i mitten av boken. Tankarna förs till John Le Carre och Dan Brown. Läs den här om du gillar spännande thrillers med en snygg story!