An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Bok av Hermann Hesse
The Story of my Experiments with Truth narrates the life of a great man, with an even greater soul, in his own words. From his childhood onwards, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has always strived to attain the Absolute Truth. For him, God was Truth. This is not so much an autobiography as a series of reflections on his spiritual experiments in his quest to be one with God. From his schooldays to his marriage, his failings to his atonements, his journeys abroad, experiences in Africa to his participation in the Independence movement in India - Gandhi records all these events, and reflects on how they created an impact on his life. He also deals with celibacy, fasting, vegetarianism and other personal aspects of his life, apart from his struggle against colonialism and racism. An extremely personal and riveting autobiography, this book reveals the man who went on to become the Mahatma.
Detta är en bok som jag tycker alla borde läsa. Den handlar kortfattad om en indisk snubbe som går igenom flera olika faser av sitt liv, medan han beger sig på en resa för att hitta ett inre lugn och upplysning.

Hesse skriver på ett sätt som är på något konstigt sätt väldigt attraktivt.

Den är också tillräckligt kort för att vem som helst ska kunna läsa den.