The Magus

The Magus
Bok av John Fowles
A man trapped in a millionare's deadly game of political and sexual betrayal. Filled with shocks and chilling surprises, "The Magus" is a masterwork of contemporary literature. In it, a young Englishman, Nicholas Urfe, accepts a teaching position on a Greek island where his friendship with the owner of the islands most magnificent estate leads him into a nightmare. As reality and fantasy are deliberately confused by staged deaths, erotic encounters, and terrifying violence, Urfe becomes a desperate man fighting for his sanity and his life. A work rich with symbols, conundrums and labrinthine twists of event, "The Magus" is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining, a work that ranks with the best novels of modern times.
Min absoluta favoritbok när jag var ung. Kunde inte lägga den ifrån mig. Nicolas Urfe reser till Grekland för att lära ut engelska och göra slut med sin fästmö. Han promenerar runt ön och stöter på ett öde hur med en underlig man. Sedan är resten magi.