Animal Farm

Animal farm
Bok av George Orwell
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) "Animal Farm" is the most famous by far of all twentieth-century political allegories. Its account of a group of barnyard animals who revolt against their vicious human master, only to submit to a tyranny erected by their own kind, can fairly be said to have become a universal drama. Orwell is one of the very few modern satirists comparable to Jonathan Swift in power, artistry, and moral authority; in animal farm his spare prose and the logic of his dark comedy brilliantly highlight his stark message. Taking as his starting point the betrayed promise of the Russian Revolution, Orwell lays out a vision that, in its bitter wisdom, gives us the clearest understanding we possess of the possible consequences of our social and political acts.
Så fascinerande och bra. Det är precis som i samhället egentligen, med diktaturer eller till och med bara med rangordning av människor i hierarkier. Bra, aktuell bok.
En klassiker som alla bör läsa!
Djuren på gården blir misskötta av människor, så de gör uppror och tar själva över styret. Med grisarna i ledningen skapar de ett eget litet samhälle, men ju längre tiden går desto mer diktatorisk blir ledaren...