Looking for Alaska

Looking for Alaska
Bok av John Green
In America, the book caused a scandal: while teenagers read and reread her parents blamed the author for explicit scenes and the school have included the novel in its training program. Controversy reached such a pitch that John Green had in his video blog to explain that the book was never marketed as a baby, and all her opponents see first of all the sexual aspect of the story, not noticing anything else: the old-fashioned values, religion and many more. Since its release in 2005, the novel has received 11 awards. In 2012, he ranked ninth in the ranking of the top 100 books for teenagers in a survey of American news non-profit organization National Public Radio.
En mycket gripande och relevant historia om ungdomar som går på internatskola. Vi för följa med i livet som tonåring och hur svårt det kan vara att hantera första kärleken, första fyllan, första cigaretten osv. Som tonåring har man många frågor men ofta alldeles för få svar. Det är svårt att se en lösning.

En mycket läsvärd bok!